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Chemtrails! Do they mean anything?

By Webmaster

With all the hoopla surrounding chemtrails lately, we wanted to tackle the subject with our Gavel of Truth. What is the likelihood that the military/government is actually spraying the general public with some kind of toxic soup? Well, since they have been reported all around the world, we can say that it would need to be a global conspiracy involving many governments and civilians of several countries.

Are they real? Well of course they are, we have all seen them. The argument by the conspiracy theorists, is that some seem to fade away like normal contrails, and some seem to stay around for hours at a time, creating an ominous haze in a normally blue sky. The theory that ordinary contrails, the majority of which are natural water vapor, dissipate rather quickly, while the malicious chemtrails, hang in the sky a long time, and ultimately fall to the ground contaminating whatever they settle on, came about little over two years ago. It has gained momentum among the UFO community, with little facts to back them up.

Chemical analysis has revealed that the makeup of the chemtrails is quite variable, but always, rather predictably, contains a high amount of the chemicals found in ordinary jet fuel. So now the argument is that whatever chemical is being sprayed on ignorant civilians, is being done so as a fuel additive. Something that remains after the combustion has taken place. Now we have to figure that whatever it is, it is a chemical with an amazingly high tolerance for heat. It would somehow have to pass through the turbine without being ignited with the rest of the fuel.

Unless of course, we are to believe the anonymous airline mechanic, and airline official who came forward to Sightings.com. Both of whom claim to have indirect and direct knowledge respectively, of this secret operation. The mechanic claims to have stumbled onto a system designed to spray the chemicals from the static vapor wicks that are installed on all planes. This theory has not born out under scrutiny from other airline mechanics.

Is it not just as likely that the varied chemical makeup is a reflection on the different turbine engines in operation? There are many lubricants, fuel performance enhancement additives, cleaners, and other things that could be showing up in contrails. Each engine will burn larger and smaller amounts of these various outside chemicals, creating virtually a different makeup for all of them.

So why would a normal contrail stick around for hours? Well, depending on barometric pressure, altitude, the dew point, and wind currents, clouds can either sink or rise. Often they can hang, seemingly stationary for hours. Clouds that are made up of chemical vapor, would certainly provide a different buoyancy level and reaction to said outside forces, comparatively to natural water vapor.

I have seen some chemtrails that appear as grids in the sky. Does that really imply some kind of intended ground coverage? Yes and no! I have heard several pilots say that they often like to "play" on the days that the contrails hang around. That they have often tried to play "tic-tac-toe" games. Not that they should be, but they are professionals and are able to make their own choices.

So does this mean that the people who are seeing these chemtrails as some kind of malicious attack on the population are nuts? Well certainly, that is not for us to say. We just provide you with the points to the probability. You would think however, that if it was a malicious attack that was being kept from the public, that nighttime would be a much more effective cover for the operation. Over large cities, along the paths of normal military flights, in the middle of a blue sky, is not the time or place to run any kind of secret operation. Especially one that is reliant on not being seen. We are not telling you what to believe, we are just giving you the facts. We are more then happy to be proven one way or the other.

Take a look for yourself at some chemtrails.

A new window will open for each..

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