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New Mars anomaly has Hoagland excited!

Should you get excited with him?

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Well, it would appear that our old bud Richard Hoagland has discovered a new anomaly on the surface of our red cosmic neighbor. The above photo is from his website.

In the photo on the lower right of the collage, you will see a circular shape that Hoagland is claiming to be a shipwrecked saucer from a civilization long departed from Mars. What is the probability of the reality of that situation? Well, who can say for sure? There are many people who believe that Mars was once a planet brimming with life. Even deeper are those who believe it was teeming with intelligent life.

We all know about the face on Mars, and the other strange structures like the pyramids and city features. More recently, the Mars "tubes", also discovered by Hoagland (although several people have come forward to claim they found them first) have drudged up controversy.

So what are we looking at in this photo?

Well, it certainly does look like a circular object partially imbedded in the soil. Further investigation by independent sources have revealed nothing tangible. Some have come forward to say it is nothing more then an optical illusion. a trick of light and shadows. Well, we wanted to see if that was the case so we did some shadow and color work with the photo to change the contrast and color. This process can reveal just how much of a tick of light and shadow it really is.

[ pic-1 ] [ pic-2 ] [ pic-3 ] [ pic-4 ] [ pic-5 ]

As you can see from the photos, little detail is changed, making this feature almost certainly not a trick of light and shadows. So does this mean it's really a flying saucer? Well, of course not! It could very well be a crater as others have suggested with good cause.

What it does mean, is that whatever it is, it's really there. It means that it is either a natural phenomenon, or something else. Yes, maybe even an actual craft of some kind, although that is not very likely.

While there is now way to say for sure what it is, it is more then likely just a crater in the side of a hill. The only part of the structure that appears to be artificial, is the circular geometry on the near side. Appearing to be artificial, and being artificial, are two totally separate things. We don't know what it is, and we urge you to make your own judgment based on the facts that exist. We also urge you not to buy into this latest attempt at publicity, there are hundreads of Mars photos out there that look like the could be something. Of course, they could be nothing more then a look at an alien landscape with features we are not familiar with in science. After all, it is another planet!

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