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Debate 101 12/7/00

This debate was inspired by the much debated Phoenix Lights incident of 1997. It was recorded via e-mail, between our participants Joel, and Kevin. Joel and Kevin both have been involved with UFO studies for seven and ten years respectively. Here is what transpired, and it was much less heated then we expected.

Joel: "Let me start by saying I know what I saw, and it was not flares, it is as simple as that. Nothing more nothing less."

Kevin: "I know it may have looked like something that you have never seen, but tell me, have you ever seen military battlefield flares in action?"

Joel: "I have seen tapes of the same event. I saw the Discovery Channel's "Phoenix lights" show like everyone else, I saw how it looked so similar. But I was there, right under this thing. It floated right over my car, and behind my house."

Kevin: "Now, when you say you saw it, I assume you are talking about the other object spotted earlier in the evening? Separate from the purported flare incident?"

Joel: "That's correct. I saw the triangular object, just like a couple hundred others did, so I'm not alone there. Virtually all of the people had the same description of the craft. Big, black, silent, triangle, many people even said they felt a charge in the air. Like an electric wave or pulse. I felt it myself, it was like small, slight bursts of air, or waves. It was very strange, you could feel it ripple through your body, like the loud bass of a boom box in a car."

Kevin: "Joel, I have to bow down to you here. I really can not say definitively what that earlier sighting was related to. There are theories, but it can't be tied down for sure. I have heard people suggest that the second event was a cover for the first event. What do you think of that?"

Joel: "I really have thought long and hard about that, and I would be willing to accept that if there was some more evidence to back it up. I guess maybe the second event was the one that got all the attention, so I tend to defend it's validity. Maybe I fear that if people figure out it really was flares, my story will lose validity, and that's not right."

Kevin: "No it's not right. Many people have said the same thing as you, and it's a valid point. Maybe our goal should be to make people aware of the two separate incidences."

Joel: "Yea, maybe we should."


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