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Doc Freedom MD

Inside the American Psyche: Part One

Why do we take so many drugs?

By Doc Freedom MD

Why do people feel compelled to do the things they do? Why do we as a society seem awkwardly complacent, if not too preoccupied to see the big picture? There are more things wrong with the world today then most of us know, yet there seems to be many things going right. Still, our journey through sociological evolution is breeding into a strange massive stupidity when it comes to medical care.

We are so eager to stuff drugs into the mouths of our children, at an unprecedented rate. "Little Johnny can't concentrate, he has ADD, he needs a drug." Not even ten years ago, Attention Deficit Disorder was a foreign phrase, now, every kid who is a little rambunctious, needs to see a psychiatrist, so he can get a pill to make him less, "unique."

I am not speaking of the real serious problem kids, the same percentage of which there has always been, and will always be. I am speaking of the C+ student, who's parents think should be an A+ student. These people may slowly be killing their children, and they are too stupid to see it, or too selfish to care.

No one knows what the long-term effects of these drugs are going to be. What is it doing to these young boys and girls whose reproductive organs are developing? God only knows what form of cancer or disease will be a problem for that generation.

Then there is the fact that we are telling our children that they are better when they use drugs. "Little Johnny? Now you take your drugs so you can be as good as everyone else." So, what does little Johnny do when he discovers cocaine in college? Other drug addicted humans will tell him what a great edge it gives them, and of course little Johnny wants to keep up with everyone else, right?

The entire line of thinking is redundant in itself. It makes little sense if you just think about it for one second. There is nothing wrong with the kids from the much maligned Generation-X. The older ones are productive people, starting families, running companies, building technological empires, taking the cutting edge of extreme sports to the masses, and fully reaping the rewards.

Now all of a sudden, once again, there is something wrong with our children. Only this time, the "Drug Companies"(Cartels of Legal Narcotics), are pushing everything from Viarara to Paxil onto the public. Spending million upon millions of dollars in advertising, to convince you to ask you doctor about some drug to make you feel better. You want to feel better? Go to the corner and pay a homeless person to KICK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU! Yea that's right, stop being such a wimp, and SUCK IT UP!

Doctors all over the world are giving out pills like fluoride, and the drug companies are raking in the money by the bank load. Our children have been caught up in the flow this time, because the CLN's see them as nothing more then a place to get more sales from.

Have you actually read the side effects for most of this shit? The same symptoms you get as a side effect to "feel better", are much more freely found in everything from the common cold to brain cancer. And you don't have to pay ten bucks a pill to get any of them.

People need to wake up and realize that Medicine is only there to help you to the extent that it is still profitable. Sure they can fix you up when you are broken, but they can also mess you up when you are not. These drugs are not good for you in any way. They are pushed haphazardly through the FDA for quick sales, and that is the bottom line. PROFIT! Why else do you legalize the sale of a drug that can kill you, while spending millions to stop the sale of drugs like marijuana? If you can make a few hundred million before the drug kills more then ten or twenty people, you make your money.

In early Medicine, patients were treated like guinea pigs. They were experimented on, they were probed, and poked, often they died consequently. Well, ask yourself, when do you think that changed? Do you believe that Doctors all of a sudden knew enough, and no longer had to take such risks to advance science? If you do, you better rethink your stand

There is little difference between you being on the table with your chest cavity opened, and you being on the end of ten prescriptions for depression, ADD, anxiety, stress, yuppie flu, or whatever. Take your pick, there are hundreds of "new" problems with society.

I had to laugh the first time a kid was diagnosed with "Nintendo thumb" When I was a kid, your thumb hurt like hell, but you kept on playing and eventually the muscles got strong enough and that was that. Now, the kid says, "Mommy, my thumb hurts." Mommy is instantly on the telephone with the doctor in a panic because she is ignorant and the doctor is saying, "bring him in" because the practice is poor, and Mommy has good insurance.

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